Stage 3

Scroll through to view the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 - 2028

1.1 Where did the proposed Material Alterations originate?

The Draft County Development Plan 2022-2028 was placed on public display for a period of over 10 weeks commencing on the 7th July to 15th September 2021. At the end of the display period a total of 302 no. submissions had been received in response to that public consultation process.

Stage 3 of the plan-making process relates to the proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Plan. The proposed Material Alterations (amendments) originated from the consideration of the submissions received between July and September 2021 on the Draft Development Plan 2022 - 2028. The Chief Executive prepared a report on the submissions to the Draft Plan and the Elected Members considered the report at Special Council Meetings in March 2022, where they resolved to amend the Draft Plan. 

 In accordance with section 12 (7) of the Planning and Development Act (as amended) this document sets out the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Plan as made by the Elected Members of South Dublin County Council following consideration of the Draft County Development Plan 2022-2028 and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions.

1.2 How to read the changes made to the Draft Plan by Material Alteration

The proposed material alterations to the Plan are set out in Volume 1. They include changes to the text and maps (where appropriate) of the Draft South Dublin County Development Plan Written Statement and certain Appendices which were also subject to amendments and to maps where appropriate. The SEA Screening Determination and amended SEA Environmental Report (which includes information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing relevant alterations), amended SEA Non-Technical Summary, AA Screening Determination and amended AA Natura Impact Report– are also on public display.

 The proposed material alterations are displayed by Chapter and in table format.  Each table includes: the location (page number) and section the proposed material alteration relates to in the Draft County Development Plan 2022-2028 and details of the proposed material alteration. Maps accompany the text where required.

 Deletions to the text are shown in red text with a strikethrough.  New text to be inserted is shown in green.  A number of proposed amendments may contain a mix of deleted text and new text which would contain both red strikethrough and green text, for example:


Where a proposed material alteration involves the insertion of a new section / policy objective or an existing part of the Draft Plan is removed, the updated section / policy objective numbering has been applied or is referenced with an ‘X’. References to existing sections of the Draft Plan listed thereafter will remain as per their existing section / policy objective number for ease of reference.

 You can make a submission by clicking the Make a Submission button on the top right of the screen

1.3 Next Steps

The Chief Executive will prepare a report on the submissions received on the Proposed Material Alterations and the Environmental Report and Natura Impact Report and will submit this to the elected members on May 23rd 2022. The Elected Members will consider the CE Report and will make the final plan at one or more Special Council Meetings, the last to be held no later than 1st July 2022.  The Development Plan will come into effect 6 weeks after the last meeting.

Volume 1: Proposed Material Alterations

Climate Action & Energy
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Clondalkin, Clonburris & Grange Castle

Clondalkin, Clonburris & Grange Castle
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Naas Road

Naas Road
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Citywest, Saggart, Rathcoole & Newcastle

Citywest, Saggart, Rathcoole & Newcastle
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action and Energy
Population Growth and Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development and Employment
Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
Infrastructure and Utilities


Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities

Templeogue, Walkinstown, Rathfarnham, Firhouse

Templeogue, Walkinstown, Rathfarnham, Firhouse
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action and Energy
Population Growth and Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development and Employment
Natural Heritage and Biodiversity
Infrastructure and Utilities

Rural Uplands

Rural Uplands
Your Neighbourhoods 'Strategic Issues'
Built Environment & Placemaking
Climate Action & Energy
Population Growth & Housing
Sustainable Movement
Community Services
Economic Development & Employment
Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Infrastructure & Utilities